OmniMet® Software Solutions

OmniMet Modular Imaging System

OmniMet software solutions seamlessly integrates microscopes, cameras, and image analysis software through an intuitive interface. Effortlessly view and analyze standard format images directly from your calibrated microscope, or import them into OmniMet for precise analysis. With varying levels of flexibility, functionality, and analytical power, OmniMet caters to diverse metrology needs for image data archiving and quantitative analysis.


Optional Capture and Measurement Modules are available to customize software solutions, including scripts and modules for Multi-Focal Images, Mosaic Image Stitching, Weld modules, grain size support, and more. Scripts applicable with ASTM requirements.

Powerful, Seamless Integration

Any standard format image may be viewed directly from a microscope or be imported into OmniMet for analysis. Local Area Network (LAN) support offered by OmniMet Viewer Module.

OmniMet Modular Imaging System

OmniMet delivers powerful image analysis possibilities combined with flexible database functionality. Customize OmniMet with intuitive user friendly point-and-click measurement possibilities, pre-programmed analysis Scripts, or with capabilities for running user programmable analysis Scripts. The database utilizes a multi-tiered approach to logically organize numerous users and image data with unprecedented ease.

The OmniMet system offers seamless point-and-click integration of microscopes, cameras, and image analysis software via an intuitive Microsoft® Windows® interface. In general any standard format image may be viewed directly from a calibrated microscope or be imported into OmniMet for analysis. OmniMet software is offered at different levels of flexibility, functionality, and analytical power to meet the metrology needs of every laboratory requiring image data archiving and quantitative image analysis.
OmniMet Modular Imaging System

Point-and-click Measurements

  • Make simple to complex measurements with intuitive menu options
  • Reduce steps with application specific Modules and Scripts
  • Comply to national standards with the click of a button

Automated Imaging Analysis

  • Create or run pre-programmed Scripts to eliminate repetitive steps
  • Improve quality control by following the same process each time
  • Export data to Word or Excel automatically

Flexible Modular System

  • Choose from a variety of Modules and Scripts to customize according to application
  • Choose level of automation with six different Editions
  • Upgrade functionality from one Edition to another at any time

Seamless Integration

  • Connect to a multitude of cameras, microscopes, and motorized stages
  • Calibrate captured images to equipment magnification
  • Purchase as a system for a turnkey solution


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Systems* Software** Edition
86-1-1001 86-1-1000 OmniMet Viewer allows networked users to view and modify images and information in an Omnimet database on the same network.
  86-1-1010 OmniMet Capture N’ Measure (CnM) enables image capture with basic measurement functions and scale bar (without database functions). Measuring tools include length, parallel lines, curved line, area, perimeter, radius, angle and count. Images can be saved in common formats. Results can be burnt into the image but cannot be stored or exported to Excel®.
86-1-1003 86-1-1002 OmniMet Basic includes everything in Capture ‘N Measure, and also adds databasing functionality for archiving as well as MS Office report templates for presenting results. Optional Capture Modules may be added for specific applications.
86-1-1005 86-1-1004 OmniMet Advanced includes everything in OmniMet Basic, and also adds enhanced measurements capabilities. Measurements can be saved in the database, or interactively to Excel worksheets. Built in statistical analysis streamlines interpretation of results and reporting. Optional Capture Modules and Advanced Measurement Modules may be added for specific applications.
86-1-1007 86-1-1006 OmniMet Express includes everything in OmniMet Advanced, with the added capability of running automated Scripts. Scripts are application specific image analysis packages to provide best efficiency and reproducibility for repeat analysis in high throughput environments. Optional Capture Modules, Advanced Measurement Modules and pre-programmed Application Specific Scripts may be added.
86-1-1009 86-1-1008 OmniMet Enterprise includes everything in OmniMet Express, with the added capability of writing and editing Scripts. Fully customizable Scripts allow the user complete control of analysis solutions. Comes with 8 commonly used Application Specific Scripts. Optional Capture Modules, Advanced Measurement Modules and additional Application Specific Scripts may be added.
* System Packages include OmniMet software pre-installed on a Windows 10 64-bit workstation. Package includes keyboard and mouse. Monitor and Microsoft Office not included.
** Software Only package includes software, mousepad and is compatible with Windows 10 computer, (64-bit).


OmniMet Software Modules and Features
Software Description Viewer CnM Basic Advanced Express Enterprise
Load and Save
Brightness, Auto-White Balance, Color Correction
Digital Zoom, Rotate, Calibration & Annotation
Weld Testing  
Motorized Stage Controller    
Capture Modules (optional)    
Standard Measurements: Length, Area, Radius, Count, Parallel Lines
Advanced Measurements: 3-point Circle, Adj. Angle, Polygon      
Advanced Measurement Modules (optional)      
Color Threshold (size, intensity), 16 Bitplanes        
Automation Capable: Read & Run Scripts        
ScriptEditor: Write, and Edit Scripts          
Application Specific Scripts (optional)         *
Report Data, Report Generator (requires Microsoft® Office)    
Results Window with measurements log      
Database Interface  
Database Creation & Administration    
Included with package
Optional module (purchased separately)
* OmniMet Enterprise comes with a selection of Scripts.
Microscope Accessories
Microscope Accessories
Explore various required and optional accessories for imaging and analysis, all compatible with OmniMet software and Buehler Nikon offering
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Your Partner for NADCAP Success

The National Aerospace and Defense Contractors Accreditation Program (NADCAP) is a global cooperative accreditation program for aerospace, defense and related industries. The program develops industry-wide manufacturing processes that are applied by aerospace accredited manufacturers and suppliers. These processes can be found in different areas of material-recovery, such as coating, heat treatment and welding processes as well as inspection methods, such as hardness testing and microstructural analysis.

Buehler Product Catalog
Buehler Product Catalog

Buehler is a division of Illinois Tool Works (ITW) and is based in Lake Bluff, Illinois. Our company’s legacy comprises groundbreaking designs including the first commercially available mounting press, the first Rockwell hardness tester and we were the first to automate polishing. This same forward-looking spirit, combined with a strong understanding of lab priorities, continues to inform how we serve our customers world-wide.

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Protect your investment with Buehler’s Service Plans. Keep your lab up and running with access to wear part kits and your machine being services by one of our highly trained Service Technicians.

Properly maintaining your equipment will ensure consistent performance , minimize downtime and reduce the likelihood of costly repairs.

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