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Webinarserie Mikrostruktur & Analyse
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Metallography is the branch of science dealing with the study of the constitution and structure of metals and alloys, its control through processing, and its influence on properties and behavior. It is an important tool in industrial quality control and failure analysis, as well as the development of new materials, applications and components.
This webinar will cover the core principles of metallography including:
- How and why metallography is used
- Typical applications
- Examples of good metallographic process
- Potential consequences of poor processes
- An overview of metallographic principles
- Key techniques to ensure success
- A live Questions and Answers session
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Selective Etching of Ferrous Materials
- Compare the effectiveness of different etchants at showing common microstructural features
- Review approaches for identification and measurement of retained austenite
- Show examples of etching for prior austenite grain boundaries
- Show methods for identification of carbides by selective etching

Failure due to Manufacturing Problems
- Ductile and brittle fracture surfaces and how to recognize them
- Fatigue fracture types
- Failure due to corrosion
- Failures caused by microstructural changes
- Failures due to embrittlement
- Highlight common problems
- Discuss key techniques to ensure success
- Including a live Questions and Answers session

What is Metallography?
- How and why metallography is used
- Typical applications
- Examples of good metallographic process
- Potential consequences of poor processes
- An overview of metallographic principles
- Key techniques to ensure success
- A live Questions and Answers session

Microstructures of Hot and Cold Worked Metals and Alloys
- Definitions of hot and cold working
- Changes in microstructure
- Effect of various processing conditions
- Preparation and etching details
- Examples of typical processes and their effects

Non-ferrous Aerospace Alloys
The broad range of properties and unique characteristics of different materials can cause difficulties during preparation and analysis.
This webinar will review typical preparation methods, common problems, etching and microstructure for the most common non-ferrous Aerospace alloys, including titanium, aluminum and nickel alloys.
- Examples of good metallography
- Highlight common problems preparation and analysis
- Potential consequences of poor preparation
- Best practice recommendations and recipes
- Vibratory polishing and color etching
- Demonstrate microstructures and how to best reveal them by etching
- Discuss key techniques to ensure success

This webinar will cover:
- Description of the object, where and when they are understood to have originated.
- Preparation and etching details.
- Discussion of the microstructure and what it can tell us about the manufacturing.
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